Prince, Sir, Uzor Nwachukwu:
Uzor is a devout Christian, Counselor, and dynamic Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In partnership with the Holy Spirit of the Living God, several of his ministrations have
produced faith-lifting miracles.
He founded the Organization, NOBLE YOUTHS ASSOCIATION in September, 2003, in
response to a strong divine leading and great burden to “help” Youths in their growth
He is Author of the Christian Book: THE REAL YOU IN YOU.
He is also the C.E.O, SUNTAP TECHNOLOGIES LTD, an electronics and energy Company.
He is a graduate of the University of Port-Harcourt (1992), and also holds a Masters Degree in International Law and Diplomacy from the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
A Knight of St. Christopher in the Church of Nigeria – Anglican Communion; and married to his beloved Julie; they are blessed with children.